[ Programs ]
Training for Leading Teachers of Jewish Israeli Culture – Collaboration with KIAH and the NY Federation

Training for Leading Teachers of Jewish Israeli Culture – Collaboration with KIAH and the NY Federation
[ Programs ]
Every year, leading teachers are chosen to participate in a training program to enhance and supplement the contents of the subject Jewish-Israeli Culture. In these sessions, teachers are provided with tools to embed the breadth of Jewish-Israeli culture in the school’s life cycle and calendar of activities and to enrich the written curriculum to make it current and applicable to the pupils in the classroom, who come from varied backgrounds and represent diverse identities.
This training introduces teachers to new learning methods and ways of implementing them in the classroom, such as beit midrash study format which centers on a meaningful dialogue in companionship (hevruta), but also trains and empowers teachers to take on a leadership role, harnessing the subject’s contents to make Jewish culture more present in the school and in the community – be it in ceremonies, field trips, school decorations (learning environments, talking walls, etc.), parent-teacher-student study events, and more.